Founded in 1993
Take a minute and let her share our “Zeppe’s story” with you.
Zeppe’s Italian Bistro is a dream-come-true story that is shared with its many guests. The idea to start Zeppe’s Italian Bistro began with the strong family values of one of its founders, Gina Ciresi.
When I left Italy and a promising opera career to build a family in America
I wanted to work with my family and be around other families. A cozy restaurant that offered gracious Italian-style eating and fit into the busy American-style schedule, seemed like a perfect starting point. Zeppe’s Italian Bistro had its’ beginning!
Zeppe's Italian Bistro began carefully, very carefully.
We wanted it to be a comfortable spot for families and friends to unwind together over an enjoyable meal. We wanted to see children’s faces on an everyday basis but wouldn’t have anything less than the highest quality food. If families were to be part of our Zeppe’s Italian Bistro’s guest list, then the food had to be the same as I’d serve my own children and grandchildren!
Our guests can sample a wide variety of recipes from the small Italian villages that some of our relatives still call home.
We also have dishes with a more American origin spiced up with a little Italian influence! Regardless of our recipes’ origins, the secret to really good food is always fresh, high quality ingredients… from start to finish.
And, of course, there’s our Zeppe's Italian Bistro pizza!
We know that a delivered Zeppe’s Italian Bistro pizza is often solving a time crunch for a busy family. But we also know that being busy doesn’t have to mean eating badly…
We like to make sure that doesn’t happen! Our food is made with lots of love.
- Our signature dish!
- The dough is always fresh --- NEVER frozen
In 2008 our little bistro was bursting at the seams and we decided to expand.
We added 1000 sq foot party room and a 45 seat patio for al fresco dining. We also completely remodeled the dining room, added a 12 seat full service bar and reinvented our menu. The response of this change by our guests exceeded our expectations and reinvigorated my family and staffs passion for this business.

What are some of my thoughts as I look back upon our history with Zeppe’s? Well, I guess my life has taught me that the world is really just made up of great big neighborhoods… I love the gracious style of Italy and I love the “go-for-it” style of America. It makes me smile that I can share my “American Dream” with so many people! The family that eats together – stays together. Thank you.